Emergency Preparedness
Bel-Rea has a full emergency response plan in place that addresses both human and animal safety and evacuation measures in the event of urgent situations. The plan includes a wide range of response protocols – from power failures to bomb threats, from health issues to explosions or chemical spills, from severe weather incidents to active shooter situations and so on.
To assist in urgent situations, emergency response plans with specific response protocols are dispersed throughout the campus buildings in the red Emergency Response Backpacks, along with flashlights, first aid kits, CPR masks, and other response equipment.
Please follow the directions of first responders, staff, and faculty during an urgent situation or drill, and also trust your instinct at all times. If something or someone on or around campus doesn’t feel or look quite right to you, please report your concern immediately to a staff or faculty member. If you cannot immediately reach a staff or faculty member with a concern, or if you believe there is a threatening situation, call 9-1-1.
Students will be notified of various drills and training available via their Bel-Rea Student Email.
Students will be notified of emergencies via the school’s emergency alert text system and their Bel-Rea Student Email. To opt out of the emergency text system, please follow the instructions in the text message to reply with your opt out. For questions regarding the emergency alert text system, please contact the Student Service Specialist, at (303) 751-8700 x206, or visit their office in the Media Center.
Campus Alerts:
There are no alerts at this time
Need resources or have questions about campus security? Contact Corey Fine (Student Services Specialist/ Title IX Coordinator) at fine@belrea.edu or (303) 751-8700.