Title IX Information
Title IX and Discrimination Based on Sex
(Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972)
- Released by US Dept of Ed on May 6, 2020 to take effect on August 14, 2020
Key Points:
- Regulations prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance
- Regulations include sexual harassment as sex discrimination
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment? Title IX Overview from the Department of Education
- School employee conditioning an educational benefit or service upon a person’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (i.e. quid pro quo harassment)
- Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s education program or activity; or
- Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking (as defined in the Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 13925 (a)))
When and How Must a School Respond?
- The school has actual knowledge of sexual harassment (with or without a formal complaint)
- The sexual harassment occurred within the school’s education program or activity, and
- Against a person in the United States
- A school must respond in a way that is not deliberately indifferent.
Fair Grievance Process Requirement
- For complete requirements, please see the S. Department of Education’s Title IX Final Rule Overview
- Bel-Rea’s Updated Title IX Formal Complaint Process (coming soon!)
How to Submit a Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Complaint
- Contact Bel-Rea’s Title IX Coordinator, Stasi Bottinelli:
- Email: bottinelli@belrea.edu
- Phone: (303) 751-8700, ext. 241
- Mail: 1681 S. Dayton Street, Denver, Colorado 80247
- Stop by her office
- Submit a Title IX complaint form
- May also file complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (Email: OCR@ed.gov)
Training on New Title IX Regulations
Thank you to Thompson Coburn LLP for providing the following free trainings on the new Title IX regulations and permission to post them on our website:
- Module 1 – Fundamentals of the Law: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-1-Fundamentals-of-the-Law.mp4
- Module 2 – Formal Complaints: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-2-Formal-Complaints.mp4
- Module 3 – Investigations & Informal Resolutions: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-3-Investigations-and-Informal-Resolutions.mp4
- Module 4 – Hearings: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-4-Hearings.mp4
- Module 5 – Determinations: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-5-Determinations.mp4
- Module 6 – Appeals: http://content.thompsoncoburn.com/video/Module-6-Appeals.mp4
For additional information or questions, please contact Bel-Rea’s Title IX Coordinator, Stasi Bottinelli.
Campus Alerts:
There are no alerts at this time
Need resources or have questions about campus security? Contact Corey Fine (Student Services Specialist/ Title IX Coordinator) at fine@belrea.edu or (303) 751-8700.