Resume Assistance

Bel-Rea students have a wonderful resume tool available to them: Optimal Resume!

This site has multiple resume samples with matching cover letters and reference pages that students can utilize when looking for a student job, writing their assignments for Office Management, and applying for internship sites by inserting their own information into the samples.

Reviews are available for students who are looking for jobs or will be applying to internship sites.

This is a free service!

1) Read the Optimal Resume Directions before going to the Optional Resume site!


2) Go to Bel-Rea’s Optimal Resume site.

  • Access Code: belrea1

3) Contact Amy Martin, Job Placement Manager / Bookstore Manager with any questions –

4) Registering for Pre-Clinical next quarter? Please update your resume by the end of week 6 this quarter and submit it to Amy Martin for review via Optimal Resume.

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Need resources or have questions about campus security? Contact Stasi Bottinelli (Financial Aid Manager/ Title IX Coordinator) at or (303) 751-8700.